Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Keeping an eye on Eli

Oh Eli.

I can hardly believe you are six months old!

You are such a bundle of energy.
Always rolling, reaching for remote controls, trying to see everything that is going on around you.

You love to sit up by yourself and stand with help from mama or daddy.

You are still a little unsure about the whole spoon thing and are much more interested in your bottle than in bananas.

You have one little tooth that popped through just this week. I can feel its tiny ridges on your bottom gum but I think it will be a little while before you are using it to bite into a cheeseburger. We are glad you didn't have a fever or oceans of drool with this toothie, although you and I both know you were a tad grumpy this last week!

You love your toys but often times are more entertained by an empty water bottle or ripping pages out of a catalog. Bouncing is one of your favorite things to do whether you are in your exersaucer, sassy seat, or just standing on my lap.

When strangers see you they often say things like: "What a healthy boy!" "Look at those thighs!" "Bet you don't have any trouble getting him to eat!" We don't go in to see Dr. Evans for a few weeks so we don't know exactly how big you are, but I am betting on at least 25 lbs! We just bought you some new clothes, most of which are size 18 - 24 months!

We love you more than you can possibly know.


Anonymous said...

I found your blog when I was looking at the Bit's of my Weekend from Michelle's blog. I am totally caught up with your story. I've read so many of your old posts about Noah, and cried, at work. I have to hide my tears b/c honestly...I should be working. I don't know you, but I think about you all the time. I've told my parents, friends, husband and co-workers about your story. I have a little boy too, and I never really wanted a boy. But, I never knew the joy that a little boy could bring, or how he would steal my heart right away. Having a little boy (who is 10 months) has knit me to your story in such a keen way. Thank you for sharing, and know that I am praying for your family.

God Bless,
Casey from MS

Gina Dankel said...

25lbs. Whoa! C is 24 mo old and weighs 25 lbs fully clothed and in shoes. He still wears 12 mo and 18 mo clothes exclusively. It must be fun to have such a chunk! We are always struggling to keep c's bottoms up w/belts and such. Praying for you in regards to the secret mission. Love you guys!